Grief, Bereavement, and Mourning Quiz: Test Your Understanding

Is grief a normal reaction?

Grief is a normal emotional reaction to loss. There are no limits, boundaries, or rules in terms of loss or what could be considered a loss. Grief involves emotional pain that varies by individual and loss. Grief may be especially burdensome in response to a loss that was traumatic, sudden, or severe.

Yes No

Mourning and grief are the same.

While grief is described as an emotional response to loss, mourning involves outwardly expressing loss or any activity associated with loss as part of adaptation to it. For example, a funeral is an activity that expresses mourning. Mourning may or may not be as formal as a funeral, though it is important to note that grief and mourning of some sort are generally associated.

True False

Anger is an unusual response to grief.

Anger is a normal part of grieving. In fact, it is not unusual for people to experience a range of emotions as part of the healing process. One who has experienced loss may also experience denial, numbness, shock, remorse, guilt, depression, despair, loneliness, anger, and acceptance. It is important to note that there is no specific order of stages in which to grieve and that grief is not limited to the emotional behaviors mentioned here. Additionally, it is possible and likely that a grieving person will encounter all, some, or none of these behaviors, and/or may vacillate among them. The range of emotions and behaviors incurred throughout the grieving process serves as bargaining tools for sufferer to cope with and acknowledge the reality of the loss that has occurred.

True False

Who has more difficulty dealing with major loss?

Grieving children do not experience the same response to loss as adults and may not show their feelings as readily or openly. It is not unusual for children to express brief or occasional responses to grief, but the reality is that children have greater difficulty than adults managing emotional responses to grief and trauma. In truth, because children grieve longer than adults, children in mourning require frequent assessment, discussion, and acknowledgement of their feelings over time.

Grieving adults Grieving children

What is bereavement?

Bereavement is the state of experiencing grief, mourning, and deprivation as the result of a loss, usually death.

Grief Mourning Deprivation All of the above

What is anticipatory grief?

Anticipatory grief is a reaction to an upcoming, impending, or expected loss event. It can be an important part of the grieving process and can help a person sort out emotions in preparation for the loss. Remember, everyone grieves differently, and anticipatory grief may not necessarily lessen grief or shorten the grieving process.

Grief over your own death Fear of loss Grief for an upcoming loss event Grief felt for other people

Should a grieving person minimize feelings?

Minimizing one's feelings may actually hinder the grief and healing process that is natural following a loss. Other avoidance behaviors can include...
- Thrusting oneself into work
- Self-medicating with drugs, alcohol, or other substances
- Compulsive patterns and behavior
- Avoiding emotions

Yes No

Crying can help resolve grief.

It's alright to cry. For a grieving person, crying is a healthy, natural release as part of the grieving process. If you or someone you know is grieving, it may help to...
- Experience thoughts and feelings openly through writing, journaling
- Speak openly with other family members who suffered the same loss
- Accept and allow a range of emotions
- Seek professional help for overwhelming feelings or trouble returning to daily activities over time

True False

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