Dry Skin Quiz: Test Your Dry Skin IQ

Most cases of dry skin are caused by disease or infection.

Skin is the body's largest organ and is protected by natural oils that keep it soft while retaining moisture. While some cases of dry skin are related to diseases of the liver and diabetes, most cases of dry skin are caused by external and environmental factors that strip the skin's protective barrier. Some serious diseases can cause dry skin, but most people who have dry skin are perfectly healthy!

True False

The best way to treat dry skin is to...

There are many causes of dry skin, including harsh soaps, environmental factors such as cold weather and dry heat, and prolonged exposure to water such as swimming, showers, and baths. No matter what the case may be, the best way to treat dry skin at home is to be nice to your skin! The best home remedies for dry skin include the following:
- Moisturizing
- Taking cooler, shorter showers and baths
- Skipping scented soaps and shower gels

Moisturize Take shorter showers and baths Avoid scented soaps All of the above

What is a good substitute if skin cream or ointment is not available?

Believe it or not, if skin cream or lotions are not available to you, cooking oils and shortening can work just as well as commercial moisturizers. Not only are they virtually scentless, they are less expensive, readily available, and ultra-moisturizing.

Toner Hair conditioner Cooking oil Honey

______________ is the main symptom of dry skin.

The most noticeable and annoying symptom of dry skin is itching. Itchiness may worsen as skin becomes drier, leading to the "itch-scratch" cycle. The itch-scratch cycle is best described as itchiness relieved by scratching that causes greater itchiness and scratching.

Flaky skin Redness Itching Cracked skin

Of the choices given, which is the most common area of dry skin?

In addition to the legs, dry skin commonly affects the hands and forearms. The legs, hands, and forearms are the most common sites of dry skin. Of course, dry skin can appear anywhere on the body.

Legs Scalp Face Lips

Certain types of dry skin are genetic conditions or disorders.

Ichthyosis is a genetic condition that causes dry skin. While there are many types of ichthyosis, the most common type is called ichthyosis vulgaris (also called fish scale syndrome). With ichthyosis vulgaris, skin on the shins is severely dry and appears similar to fishlike scales. Dry skin is also commonly seen in people with atopic dermatitis, which is also thought to be genetically related.

True False

Certain medications can cause dry skin.

Medications can cause dry skin. Diuretics prescribed for high blood pressure, antihistamines prescribed for allergies, and retinoids prescribed for acne are all examples of medications that may dry out the skin.

True False

After cleansing, your skin should feel...

You might want to use a gentle facial cleanser with added moisturizers, especially if you have dry skin on your face. After cleansing, your skin should feel soft, smooth, and healthy. If your skin feels dry, tight, inflamed, or at all irritated after cleansing, try a different facial cleanser.

Tight Soft Oily All of the above

The best way to clean oil, dirt, and dead skin from the face is to use a gentle cleanser and...

If you have dry skin on your face, forget scrubbing. Friction from cleansing tools causes rubbing, and scrubbing can irritate and inflame your skin. So, what is the best, gentlest tool for facial cleansing? Your very own hands! Wash the skin on your face as gently as you would wash the skin on a baby.

A scrubbing sponge designed for the face An exfoliator product Your hands A washcloth

What is the medical term for dry skin?

Xeroderma is the medical term for dry skin.

Xeroderma Eczema Itch There is no medical term for dry skin

Severely dry skin that is visible with the naked eye is said to be ________ in appearance.

Dry skin is often felt more than it's seen, but on some people, it can be noticeable and embarrassing. For people with olive to dark brown skin, dry skin is a special concern, since the flakes of skin can look gray, or "ashy," says Vesna Petronic-Rosic, MD, assistant professor of medicine and director of the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic at the University of Chicago Medical School.

Reddish Ashy Cloudy Foggy

A good moisturizer for very dry skin should be runny or drippy in texture.

Lotions, moisturizers, or emollients that run or drip are simply not thick enough to provide relief for dry skin. A good moisturizer should be thick in texture, and should provide a smooth, continuous application, and should feel soothing to the area applied.

True False

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