Infidelity Quiz: Surviving Infidelity

Infidelity is the leading cause of divorce.

Although infidelity is the main reason unmarried cohabitating couples split, the same is not true of married couples. Married couples often cite being incompatible or unable to communicate as the cause of their divorce.

True False

Most people are willing to forgive an unfaithful spouse.

According to a Gallup Poll about infidelity, most people are not willing to forgive an unfaithful spouse. Specifically, only about one in three Americans say they would forgive their spouse for marital infidelity.

True False

With regard to infidelity, women believe which is worse?

Men and women differ in their views as to which is worse -- women tend to believe sex with prostitutes is a greater betrayal, while men say a romantic extramarital affair is a worse offense.

Sex with prostitutes Romantic extramarital affairs

Most men who cheat are:

What makes men cheat? Well, a survey of 200 men found that contrary to popular belief, only about a handful of men cited sex as a factor in their infidelity. The study also showed that a large number of men who had affairs were actually happy in their marriages.

The true culprit: Most (nearly half of men surveyed) rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated.

Looking for sex Unhappily married Emotionally dissatisfied in marriage All of the above

Most women who cheat are:

Women tend to have emotional connections with their lovers and are more likely to have affairs because of loneliness.

Lonely in marriage Seeking revenge Bored in marriage All of the above

Women commonly use affairs to get out of bad marriages.

In general, women's motivations aren't just about sex. Using another partner to transition out of a bad marriage is one of the common reasons women have affairs. In the world of break-ups, it's called "jumping ship."

True False

Who is mostly likely to cheat?

A University of Chicago study shows that married people younger than 30 are those most likely to have sex with someone other than their spouse.

Married people under 30 years of age Very tall men Women with small waists Brown-eyed men

When it comes to affairs, who tends to be less forgiving?

Husbands are less forgiving than wives, making it more likely for a woman caught up in an affair to be slammed with divorce. New York psychiatrist Mark Epstein, MD asserts that, "The hardest thing for husbands of unfaithful wives to do is to let that situation be history. For some men, imagining our partner with someone else is too intolerable."

Men Women

Adultery is a crime punishable by imprisonment in:

Laws against adultery remain on the books in many states, though they are rarely enforced.

South Carolina Minnesota Michigan All of the above

It is unlikely that a woman will cheat if she:

A Cornell University study on income and infidelity found that women are least likely to stray when they are dependent on their male partner's income. They may have fewer opportunities to cheat and may decide it isn't worth it because their livelihood may be at risk.

Is financially dependent on her husband Is older than her husband Is a middle child Works in sales

What is Othello syndrome?

Othello syndrome is a psychiatric disorder characterized by the delusion of infidelity. It occurs more frequently among chronic male alcoholics and in demented patients. Othello syndrome is distinguished by jealous behavior such as:
- Recurrent accusations of infidelity
- Searches for evidence
- Repeated interrogation of the partner
- Tests of their partner's fidelity
- Stalking

The delusion of infidelity Needing more than one lover

Unfaithful spouses often cite __________________ as the cause for their infidelity.

In the 2008 study "Premarital precursors of marital infidelity," husbands and wives jointly cite low positive communication and high negative communication as causes for infidelity.

Depression Poor communication Children Fantasy

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